PC Magazine - December 2009
PC Magazine – December 2009
True PDF | 79 Pages | English | 8.6 Mb
PC Magazine - December 2009
PC Magazine – December 2009
True PDF | 79 Pages | English | 8.6 Mb
Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach
A Down-to-Earth Guide to Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive look at the emerging paradigm of Internet-based enterprise applications and services. This accessible book offers a broad introduction to cloud computing, reviews a wide variety of currently available solutions, and discusses the cost savings and organizational and operational benefits. You’ll find details on essential topics, such as hardware, platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. You’ll also learn what other organizations are doing and where they’re headed with cloud computing. If your company is considering the move from a traditional network infrastructure to a cutting-edge cloud solution, you need this strategic guide.
Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach covers:
SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Certification Exam Preparation
Product Description
SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Certification Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Exam – The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide
This self-study exam preparation guide for the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 certification exam contains everything you need to test yourself and pass the Exam. All Exam topics are covered and insider secrets, complete explanations of all SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 subjects, test tricks and tips, numerous highly realistic sample questions, and exercises designed to strengthen understanding of SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 concepts and prepare you for exam success on the first attempt are provided.
Can you imagine valuing a book so much that you send the author a “Thank You” letter?
Tens of thousands of people understand why this is a worldwide best-seller. Is it the authors years of experience? The endless hours of ongoing research? The interviews with those who failed the exam, to identify gaps in their knowledge? Or is it the razor-sharp focus on making sure you don’t waste a single minute of your time studying any more than you absolutely have to? Actually, it’s all of the above.
This book includes new exercises and sample questions never before in print. Offering numerous sample questions, critical time-saving tips plus information available nowhere else, this book will help you pass the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 exam on your FIRST try.
Up to speed with the theory? Buy this. Read it. And Pass the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Exam.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible
Product Description
Harness the power of SQL Server, Microsoft’s high-performance database and data analysis software package, by accesing everything you need to know in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible. Learn the best practices, tips, and tricks from this comprehensive tutorial and reference, which includes specific examples and sample code, with nearly every task demonstrated in both a graphical and SQL code method. Understand how to develop SQL Server databases and data connections, how to administer the SQL Server and keep databases performing optimally, and how to navigate all the new features of the 2008 release.
Sas 9.2 Language Reference Dictionary
The SAS 9.2 Base new features, language elements, and enhancements to the language elements continue to expand the capabilities of SAS:
SAS now supports the next generation Internet Protocol, IPv6, as well as IPv4.
The DATA step component Java object enables instantiation of Java classes and accessing fields and methods on resultant objects.The SAS logging facility is a new logging subsystem that can be used to collect, categorize, and filter log events and write them to various output devices. The logging facility can be used to log SAS server events or events that are initiated from SAS programs. This feature is new for SAS 9.2 Phase 2.
In addition to SAS Monospace and SAS Monospace Bold TrueType fonts, new TrueType fonts are available when you install SAS.
Universal Printing now supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), and PDFA-1b print output formats.
You can access remote files by using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) access method.
SAS now reads and writes ISO 8601 dates, time, and intervals.
In support of batch programming, if a program terminates without completion, the new checkpoint mode enables programs to be resubmitted in restart mode, resuming with the DATA or PROC step that was executing when the program terminated.
In the “Functions and CALL Routines” section there are several new and enhanced functions as well as functions that were previously in other products and that are now part of Base SAS. The functions that moved from the Risk Dimensions product calculate the call and put prices from European options on futures, based on various models. The functions that moved from SAS/ETS return information about various date and time intervals. The functions from SAS High-Performance Forecasting return specific dates.
The documentation for string functions and CALL routines now has a restriction that identifies whether theses functions and CALL routines support Single Byte Character Sets (SBCS), Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS), or Multi-Byte Character Sets (MBCS). This distinction is important because improper use of these functions and CALL routines can result in unexpected behavior in programs that are written in a non-English language. The description for the restrictions is located in the Function Compatibility with DBCS, MBCS, and SBCS Character Sets section of the documentation.
In a DATA step, you can track the execution of code within a DO group. The DATA statement has an optional argument for you to write a note to the SAS log when the DO statement begins and ends.
New SAS system options enable you to set a default record length, specify options for accessing PDF files, specify values for Scalable Vector Graphics, support the checkpoint mode and the restart mode, and support fonts.
Some of the new features for the DATA step object attributes, operators, and methods remove all items from the hash object without deleting the instance of the hash object, consolidate the FIND and ADD methods into a single method call, return the number of items in the hash object, and specifies a starting key item for iteration.
In previous versions of SAS Language Reference: Dictionary, references to language elements in other publications were included in their respective dictionary for each language element type. For example, you could find a reference for the $BIDI format in the format dictionary entries. You can now find references to language elements that are documented in other publications within each section for the language element types. Online, this section appears just before the dictionary entries for each language element type. In the PDF or print copy, this section appears as the last topic for each language element type.
A section that describes how SAS syntax is written has been added. This section contains examples of how to interpret the syntax.
Fast Software Encryption: 16th International Workshop, FSE 2009
Product Description
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption, FSE 2009 held in Leuven, Belgium in February 2009.
The 24 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 76 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on stream ciphers, theory of hash functions, block ciphers analysis, block ciphers, theory of symmetric key, and message authentication codes.
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 4th International Workshop, ADMI 2009
Product Description
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction, ADMI 2009, held in Budapest, Hungary in May 10-15, 2009 as an associated event of AAMAS 2009, the 8th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
The 12 revised papers and 2 invited talks presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. Organized in topical sections on agent-driven data mining, data mining driven agents, and agent mining applications, the papers show the exploiting of agent-driven data mining and the resolving of critical data mining problems in theory and practice; how to improve data mining-driven agents, and how data mining can strengthen agent intelligence in research and practical applications. Subjects that are also addressed are exploring the integration of agents and data mining towards a super-intelligent information processing and systems, and identifying challenges and directions for future research on the synergy between agents and data mining.
A Software Process Model Handbook for Incorporating People's Capabilities
Product Description
A Software Process Model Handbook for Incorporating People’s Capabilities offers the most advanced approach to date, empirically validated at software development organizations. This handbook adds a valuable contribution to the much-needed literature on people-related aspects in software engineering. The primary focus is on the particular challenge of extending software process definitions to more explicitly address people-related considerations.
The capability concept is not present nor has it been considered in most software process models. The authors have developed a capabilities-oriented software process model, which has been formalized in UML and implemented as a tool. A Software Process Model Handbook for Incorporating People’s Capabilities guides readers through the incorporation of the individual’s capabilities into the software process.
Structured to meet the needs of research scientists and graduate-level students in computer science and engineering, this book is also suitable for practitioners in industry.
Understanding IPv6, 1st Edition
Product Description
IPv6, Internet Protocol Version 6, is the next-generation internet protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current IPv4, now nearly 20 years old. As the new IPv6 protocol replaces IPv4, professionals need a practical and detailed reference and introduction that explains the new capabilities and changes. Especially since new and modified features and integration of additional protocols underpin IPv6, a well-organized overview becomes even vital. Here readers find a full explanation of what they need to know to function optimally in the new environment. Based on the latest IETF meetings, Understanding IPv6 provides not only the basics but details on transition and optimization mechanisms, modifications in DNS, mobile IPv6, and security issues. In addition, Understanding IPv6 explains each topic based on the latest IETF published documents and: Compares IPv6 and IPv4, e.g., crucial aspects such as protocol and addressing architecture, expanded address features, modifications of DNS, and header formats. Clarifies the many related protocols that need to be mastered in optimizing IPv6, plus core features such as neighbor discovery, address autoconfiguration, and DHCPv6. Details internetworking mechanisms and mobility services with many examples and figures. Devotes full coverage to transition mechanisms, especially Teredo. Understanding IPv6 is a reference work for graduate level students, communications engineers and researchers.
Progress in Spatial Data Handling: 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling
Product Description
Since the first symposium in 1984 the International Symposia on Spatial Data Handling (SDH) has become a major resource for recent advances in GIS research. The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling is regarded as a premier international research forum for GIS. All papers are fully reviewed by an international program committee composed of experts in the field.
Nowadays, Web applications are almost omnipresent. The Web has become a platform not only for information delivery, but also for eCommerce systems, social networks, mobile services, and distributed learning environments. Engineering Web applications involves many intrinsic challenges due to their distributed nature, content orientation, and the requirement to make them available to a wide spectrum of users who are unknown in advance. The authors discuss these challenges in the context of well-established engineering processes, covering the whole product lifecycle from requirements engineering through design and implementation to deployment and maintenance. They stress the importance of models in Web application development, and they compare well-known Web-specific development processes like WebML, WSDM and OOHDM to traditional software development approaches like the waterfall model and the spiral model. Important problem areas inherent to the Web, like localization, personalization, accessibility, and usage analysis, are dealt with in detail, and a final chapter provides both a description of and an outlook on recent Semantic Web and Web 2.0 developments.
Ubuntu 8.10 Linux Bible
Product Description
Bring yourself up to date on everything you need to know about Ubuntu Linux The Ubuntu Linux Bible covers all of the latest developments in version 8.10 and 8.04, including tips for newcomers as well as expert guidance for seasoned system administrators. Learn about topics like the Gnome Desktop, the Bash shell, virtual machines, wireless networking, file sharing, and more.
Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems: 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, PRIMA 2007
Product Description
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 10th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2007, held in Bankok, Thailand, in November 2007.
The 22 revised full papers and 16 revised short papers presented together with 11 application papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 102 submissions. Ranging from theoretical and methodological issues to various applications in different fields, the papers address many current subjects in multi-agent research and development.
Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments (Computer Science & Data Analysis)
Product Description
Computer simulations based on mathematical models have become ubiquitous across the engineering disciplines and throughout the physical sciences. Successful use of a simulation model, however, requires careful interrogation of the model through systematic computer experiments. While specific theoretical/mathematical examinations of computer experiment design are available, those interested in applying proposed methodologies need a practical presentation and straightforward guidance on analyzing and interpreting experiment results.
Written by authors with strong academic reputations and real-world practical experience, Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments is exactly the kind of treatment you need. The authors blend a sound, modern statistical approach with extensive engineering applications and clearly delineate the steps required to successfully model a problem and provide an analysis that will help find the solution. Part I introduces the design and modeling of computer experiments and the basic concepts used throughout the book. Part II focuses on the design of computer experiments. The authors present the most popular space-filling designs – like Latin hypercube sampling and its modifications and uniform design – including their definitions, properties, construction and related generating algorithms. Part III discusses the modeling of data from computer experiments. Here the authors present various modeling techniques and discuss model interpretation, including sensitivity analysis. An appendix reviews the statistics and mathematics concepts needed, and numerous examples clarify the techniques and their implementation.
The complexity of real physical systems means that there is usually no simple analytic formula that sufficiently describes the phenomena. Useful both as a textbook and professional reference, this book presents the techniques you need to design and model computer experiments for practical problem solving.
Joomla! with Flash
Product Description
Build a stunning, content-rich, and interactive web site with Joomla! 1.5 and Flash CS4
IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale 6
Product Description
Build scalable, high-performance software with IBM’s data grid
Trends in Neural Computation (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Product Description
Nowadays neural computation has become an interdisciplinary field in its own right; researches have been conducted ranging from diverse disciplines, e.g. computational neuroscience and cognitive science, mathematics, physics, computer science, and other engineering disciplines. From different perspectives, neural computation provides an alternative methodology to understand brain functions and cognitive process and to solve challenging real-world problems effectively.
Trend in Neural Computation includes twenty chapters either contributed from leading experts or formed by extending well selected papers presented in the 2005 International Conference on Natural Computation. The edited book aims to reflect the latest progresses made in different areas of neural computation, including theoretical neural computation, biologically plausible neural modeling, computational cognitive science, artificial neural networks architectures and learning algorithms and their applications in real-world problems.
Database Theory ICDT 2007: 11th International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, January 10-12, 2007, Proceedings
Product Description
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2007, held in Barcelona, Spain in January 2007. The 25 revised papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on information integration and peer to peer, axiomatizations for XML, expressive power of query languages, incompleteness, inconsistency, and uncertainty, XML schemas and type checking, stream processing and sequential query processing, ranking, XML update and query, as well as query containment.
Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Product Description
The modern theory and practice of dynamical systems requires the study of structures that fall outside the scope of traditional subjects of mathematical analysis. An important tool to investigate such complicated phenomena as chaos and strange attractors is the method of symbolic dynamics. This book describes a family of the algorithms to study global structure of systems. By a finite covering of the phase space we construct a directed graph (symbolic image) with vertices corresponding to cells of the covering and edges corresponding to admissible transitions. The method is used to localize the periodic orbits and the chain recurrent set, to construct the attractors and their basins, to estimate the entropy, Lyapunov exponents and the Morse spectrum, to verify the hyperbolicity and the structural stability. Considerable information can be obtained thus, and more techniques may be discovered in future research.
A Practical Guide to Testing Wireless Smartphone Applications
Julian Harty, “A Practical Guide to Testing Wireless Smartphone Applications”
Game Testing All in One (Game Development Series)
Product Description
Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine
Product Description
Practical Programming in the Cell Broadband Engine offers a unique programming guide for the Cell Broadband Engine, demonstrating a large number of real-life programs to identify and solve problems in engineering, logic design, VLSI CAD, number-theory, graph-theory, computational geometry, image processing, and other subjects. This book:
Key features include numerous diagrams, mnemonics, tables, charts, code samples for making program development on the CBE as accessible as possible, a comprehensive reading list for introductory material to the subject matter, and a website providing all source codes and sample-data for examples presented in this text.
Foundation ActionScript 3.0 Image Effects
Product Description
Foundation ActionScript 3.0 Image Effects discusses the ins and outs of graphical manipulation through code of all the different elements available in a Flash project, from vectors to bitmaps to videos, from animated text effects to dynamic video filters. Flash 8 introduced a vast array of image features, such as blend modes and filters as well as ActionScript’s powerful BitmapData object, and this book covers all those effects in their current CS4 form, as well as the new graphical options that are available, such as the Pixel Bender Toolkit. It also details the many possible effects that can be achieved and the associated practical applications, with a focus on strong OOP methodologies to make the code more modular and reusable across projects.
R Programming for Bioinformatics
Product Description
Shows how R can be used to solve bioinformatics and computational biology problems
Due to its data handling and modeling capabilities as well as its flexibility, R is becoming the most widely used software in bioinformatics. R Programming for Bioinformatics explores the programming skills needed to use this software tool for the solution of bioinformatics and computational biology problems.
From the co-developer of R and lead founder of the Bioconductor project
Drawing on the author’s first-hand experiences as an expert in R, the book begins with coverage on the general properties of the R language, several unique programming aspects of R, and object-oriented programming in R. It presents methods for data input and output as well as database interactions. The author also examines different facets of string handling and manipulations, discusses the interfacing of R with other languages, and describes how to write software packages. He concludes with a discussion on the debugging and profiling of R code.
Hone your programming skills
With numerous examples and exercises, this practical guide focuses on developing R programming skills in order to tackle problems encountered in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Joomla! 1.5 SEO
Product Description
Improve the search engine friendliness of your web site
jQuery 1.3 with PHP
Product Description
Enhance your PHP applications by increasing their responsiveness through jQuery and its plugins.
Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring
Product Description
Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring is your complete guide to planning, using, deploying, and maintaining database mirroring as a high-availability option. Mirroring protects you by maintaining one or more duplicate copies of your database for use in the event the primary copy is damaged. It is a key component of any production-level, high-availability solution. This book covers the full spectrum of database mirroring, taking you from the planning phase through the implementation to the maintenance phase and beyond.
General audience: Pro SQL Server 2008 Database Mirroring is aimed at SQL Server 2008 database administrators, and especially those who desire to mirror their databases in support of high availability. System administrators and operational engineers who manage Windows Server systems that support mirrored database environments will also find much in the book of interest.
iPhone Advanced Projects
Product Description
As the fourth book in our series of iPhone Projects based on the work and experiences of iPhone, this volume takes on the more advanced aspects of iPhone development. The first generation of iPhone applications has hit the App Store, and now it’s time to optimize performance, streamline the user interface, and make every successful iPhone app just that much more sophisticated.
Paired with Apress’s bestselling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, you’ll have everything you need to create the next great iPhone app that everyone is talking about.
Along with Series Editor Dave Mark, your guides for this exploration of the next level of iPhone development, include:
JavaScript, A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition
Product Description
Designed for Easy Learning:
John Pollock runs two Web sites devoted to Web development technology, PageResource.com and JavaScript City.